Next-level transparency

Platform transparency is a hot topic among investors and regulators at the moment. After a clutch of high-profile peer-to-peer platform collapses, due diligence has become an increasing priority for P2P lenders – but according to Mike Bristow, chi...

Clear as day

In its final rules for P2P lending platforms issued in June, the FCA called for greater disclosure from an industry which already prides itself on being much more open and transparent than the incumbent banks it seeks to challenge. The FCA wants t...

Can P2P lending boost housing delivery numbers?

Mike Bristow joined Bert Broadhead on the Building Our Future podcast to discuss P2P’s role in stimulating growth and innovation in the built environment and how the CrowdProperty model harnesses traditional & tech skills to deliver its service....

Crowdfunding - the facts

Crowdfunding is a straightforward, quick and easy way to fund property projects and with more companies emerging in this sector, this type of finance shouldn't be known as 'alternative' any longer. 

This article was published in You...

Crowdfunding rescued my deal (YPN Magazine)

Using crowdfunding as a last resort came up trumps for HMO investor, David Granat. It was fast and simple and he'll definitely be using this type of funding again. Read on to find out all about it ...

This article was published in Y...

The importance of first charge security - part 1

CrowdProperty’s expertly curated projects are always backed by first charge security, offering our lenders the highest security level on their investment.

Read the first of a two-part series on P2PFN featuring our CEO, Mike Bristow, explain...

Property Focused

CrowdProperty since inception has been property focused, continuously deepening our expertise and offer a seamless experience for all.Our CEO, Mike Bristow, shares his thoughts on the importance and benefit of focusing on a single area of expertis...

Press Features

Latest in Blog

Viewpoint: State of the Market, July 2024

Viewpoint: State of the Market, June 2024

Risk Management part 3

Embark on your refurbishment journey with confidence

Key Considerations for a Successful Conversion

Risk Management part 2

Property Awards
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Birmingham Post
Money Net Awards
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Bridging and Commercial
Money Age
Money Age
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University of Cambridge - Judge Business School