To make the most of your savings, you need to invest your money in projects which are working just as hard as you are.
If your investments aren’t beating inflation, you’re losing money.
As the rate of inflation stands at 1.8%, and the best rate on the market for a cash ISA is 1.45% (according to on 21/03/19), where to invest your hard-earned money is something you need to carefully consider.
CrowdProperty offers up to 8% per annum returns on first charge secured property projects. These investments are tax-free when using the CrowdProperty ISA, maximising your interest payments. You have an annual ISA allowance of £20,000 each tax year allowing you to invest and earn tax-free interest. If you don’t use it, you will lose it – there’s no rolling over until the next tax-year.
Have you maximised the use of your £20,000 allowance this year?
So, no matter what you’re saving for, be it retirement, a wedding or a house deposit; maximise your potential by earning the inflation-beating, tax-free interest you deserve.
Take advantage of every penny of tax-free investment you are entitled to.
Learn more at:
Peer-to-peer lending is not covered by the FSCS and capital is at risk. Tax rules are dependent on individual circumstances and are subject to change.