Our CEO Michael Bristow has spoken to What Investment Magazine about the sustainable investing opportunities within the property sector - What Investment, 21 February 2020: https://www.whatinvestment.co.uk/sustainable-investment-if-isas-2617351/
CrowdProperty supports SME property professionals that traditional sources of funding have failed; and offers investors the opportunity to do so through its IFISA.
“One specific example of where housebuilding industry innovation can materially contribute to the green and sustainable agenda is through modular housing, or modern methods of construction,” said Bristow.
“There are huge benefits in terms of time, waste and emissions reductions, but traditional lenders have not embraced the funding of this type of construction, in particular amongst smaller developers, because it is complex to structure.
“We have worked hard to work out how to bring funding products to this segment of the market for modular, resulting in funding projects that may not have happened otherwise – funding more green and sustainable construction.”